Caled and I are sick. Well, right now, I am still sick and he's getting better. He got a cold last Saturday night and by Sunday morning, I got it too. It's really very difficult to have a toddler get sick and also, he's teething!
In times like these, I would always think, well, it's better me than Caled. It's better that I'm the one who has the cold than him. With me, I know how I can blow my nose and take medicine at the right time. Caled, we need to aspirate his nose and have him take his medicine even when he's asleep. Here he is, in dreamland and here comes Mommy waking him up to shove medicine down his throat (ok, that's an exaggeration, we use a medicine dropper and the medicine is yummy, I tried it).
Caled is a strong little toddler, he's also a very good boy (yes, I mention it quite often). When he's sick he is usually more sweet, he loves to be held and he would always, always insist on sleeping beside me in the bed. When he does, he makes sure that he is always touching me. He still smiles a lot and goes through his usual routine - this is the reason why I love my little man so much.
He's teething too, so he would normally throw up every now and then...threw up on the floor, his Nanny and me...all part of the teething process. I know, I read on it and also, Caled is not losing appetite, he's still his usual "I love my soup, veggies and milk" kind of toddler...
Today, as usual, he woke up with a smile and started blabbing...I had to take a day off from work as I was feeling so awful last night but waking up to that usual Baby Babble - it made me feel much, much better....
A-chooo! Sorry, excuse me...let me just get a tissue.