Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Enjoying Bedtime

For almost ten years, I have been working in the graveyard shift.  My normal day would start with me waking up at 5PM and being at work at 8PM or 9PM...that was normal for me.  Recently, I was given a different duty - I am now assigned for an account that runs in the morning shift.  Regular time for regular people - the change, surprisingly, is a welcome change.

I am now able to enjoy bedtime with Caled and be able to have him sleep beside me.  I would also be able to read to him regularly - before, there would be times when I need to pass up on reading to Caled as there are times when I'm needed in the office early due to meetings or conference calls. 

I guess after almost ten years...it is about time for me to join the normal world.