Friday, February 11, 2011

More Mommying than Blogging :)

I have not been able to do a lot of blogging recently.  It is due to the fact that I have been doing a lot of mommying :)

Caled is growing so fast, everyday, he will come up with a new trick and if I don't pay attention, I normally would miss it.  

The little boy is now one year, eight months and 23 days old.  This morning, I measured him and realized that he grew half an inch within the past month!

Its not only physically that Caled is growing fast...he is also a fast learner and his memory - geez!  It's so sharp.  The other day, I took Caled to have his haircut and while we were entering the shop, Caled started crying, he knows that he's going to have his encounter with the razor again and he hates the sound of the razor.  Even when he was getting a haircut, the little one won't stop crying.  I was holding him the whole time so I ended up with a lot of cut hair in me as well.  It's the same when Caled goes to his Pediatrician, he starts getting fidgety and the moment he sees his Pedia, he starts crying as well.  He knows that his Pedia is the one who normally gives her shots.  

One thing that has not changed would be Caled's disposition, he's a happy baby.  He would always have a ready smile and he's sooooooo sweet to the people he loves.  He likes being hugged and he loves giving hugs as well.

As much as I would like to document everything that is happening with Caled, I would rather observe it and experience it.  If there are times when I can write it, then I write it...but the moment is so much better savored with Caled, right there and then....if ever I remember to write it, you'll see it here, if's OK, its saved in my memory bank anyways.

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